John 17:20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.” ~NLT When I was in the Army we trained a lot. Training as a squad was important because we learned to move and protect the area we were assigned. For instance, as we moved in formation, I would trust the soldier behind me to protect what I could not see. That one position not in view is considered your ‘Six’. You hear this term a lot in the movies. It refers to the positions around you, in ‘clock terminology’. Let’s say you are standing straight looking forward. What you see in front of you is considered the 12 o’clock view. Everything to your immediate right would be your 3 o’clock. Everything to your immediate left would be considered your 9 o’clock. The area behind you, the area you cannot see, is your 6 o’clock. This is why, as soldiers we would say, “I got your six.” We learned to move through enemy territory and stay focused on our goal because we knew our fellow soldiers were watching, protecting and would take care of anything that would try to harm us. This relationship with my fellow soldiers was strong, loyal and in complete trust. This is the relationship we must have with Jesus Christ. This relationship is the only way we will understand, receive and can be grateful enough to trust in God’s promises to us. It is in this relationship that we understand what Jesus went through for us on the cross. He knew what we would be faced with on our journey in this world. This is why he prayed for us. His journey would be our walk as well. He wanted us to know He has gone through what we are going through. In the text above he prayed for himself, as he was about to walk the journey of sacrifice. He prayed for his disciples, then He prayed for us. He spoke in petition for us when he said, “...for all who will ever believe in me through their message…” This means that our trials will define our growth in our endurance. And explain how God gave us the strength, courage and wisdom to continue our journey, just as Christ did. This is how we tell the world about Jesus, ‘...through our message…’ He has our back! He is always watching our 'Six'. Walk on staying focused on your goal. May God continue to bless you with His peace, love and protection as you continue to journey in Jesus' name. Amen
Matthew 19:26 “Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” ~NLT In my youth, I remember playing basketball with my friends in the neighborhood. We would pick teams from the best player to the worst and play ball all day. We always had that one player though. This guy would keep the ball and try to score every shot. We used to call him the ‘ball hog’. It was our term when we yelled, “Stop hoggin’ the ball! Pass it to somebody that’s open!” But that player would continue to be the 'superstar' and eventually the team he played for would lose. Not solely because of his selfishness, but also because that one player did not utilize his other teammates. This is what happens in real life. God created us to be team players. He created us to play well with others. But we like to take the situations we are in and ‘hog’ all decisions and actions for ourselves. We think we can win this game called ‘life’ without any help. Then that powerful player on the other team comes on the court. Let’s just call him, ‘Impossible’. And when we come up against him, we find that there is nothing we can do. Under our own power we begin to fold and eventually we want to give up this game because we realize there is nothing we can do. This is where we need to become that ‘team player’ we were designed to be. When we reach that point in our lives when we know there is nothing physically, we can do, we call in our best player to take our place. When we call God into the game, the whole game changes. There is nothing the impossible player can do against God. This is where God performs His miracles in our lives. This is where our testimonies of faith in God’s existence in our lives take root in our souls. Not only do others begin to see Him in us, but they also become aware and begin to feel his presence in them. Once we realize this as believers, that’s when we can observe our victorious, miracle story unfold. May God continue to bless and keep you under His protection of peace in Jesus’ name. Amen |
Authors Billy & YolandaThis is the place where we share our heart through God's Word in faith that will inspire and empower you to live in peace. Archives
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