![]() At the end of the day, I just wanted peace in my life! I didn't do the "work" just so Billy would stop drinking and lying to me. I did the "work" for me! I simply needed peace. I was the one who was frustrated! I was the one who felt as though I was hanging on by a thread! I was the one who no one seemed to understand. Yep! I had enough and the only way I knew to get some relief was to do my "work". And you know what? I did just that. Not only did it transform my life but it SAVED my marriage. WHO KNEW? I realized for the first time that my life was worth it. I started to believe that God really had something greater for me. I faced my truth and realized that no one ever taught me how to do "marriage". No one ever sat me down to explain the position of a wife. No one ever explained how to get out of the cycles that kept bringing out the worst in me...and my husband! I just didn't realize that I was doing it all wrong! Who taught you how to be "married"? The truth is...most of us don't have a clue. It's not taught in school. Maybe you can learn about it on the streets...like most of us learned about sex. Even though my parents have been married a long time. I still didn't get it there! It took me a short time to realize that I didn't need Billy to do THIS "work". I only needed me to SHOW UP! Yes, I was committed to it and now I am so grateful that I didn't give up too quickly. Now, you can see the fruit of my "work". Now, you can see that through this focused intention...my husband did his work! Today, we share our testimony and proven strategies to living in peace and purpose everyday. I want you to know that YOU...yep YOU can single-handedly save your marriage. Once you start showing up differently...your spouse will start responding differently. When this happens, everything in your life starts to change. Creating this shift in your life, CAN be learned! Remember, marriage is a skill set. We have done the heavy lifting for you. We have pulled together all of our best life-tested resources and laid them out in a simple, easy to implement step by step process. We are convinced that our new Marriage Roadmap to Peace is the ticket for our community to get the most effective results the fastest in their life. If you are ready to experience irresistible love, passion, and peace in your life. Then we invite you to jump on a complimentary "Journey to Peace" Strategy Call. This is where real transformation starts. We understand that God has graced us with a growing community and its just us, so our space is very limited. But just like every worthwhile journey...it all starts with your "YES"! Grab one of these sessions TODAY! Here is the link below to book NOW: liveinpeace.as.me/journeytopeace Chat soon, -Yolanda P.S.- Your story is still being written, now it's time to take back the narrative. Book your session now: liveinpeace.as.me/journeytopeace! Your life could start shifting right after this call.
![]() “But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with a message. “Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored, and you will be healed of your leprosy.” -2 Kings 5:10 (NLT) In the Old Testament there was a man named Naaman. Naaman was a warrior who had great admiration from the king he served. But in all his greatness, Naaman had leprosy! Following advice, he went to meet with a prophet named Elisha. From the prophet, Naaman learned what he had to do to be healed of his condition. The instructions in the text above are clear and the actions required are simple. But as simple as they are, Naaman became angry and refused to follow the instructions. His claims were that Elisha wouldn’t even come out to see him in person, and that the water in the Jordan River wasn’t suitable enough for him! Looking at this text I say, “What’s wrong with Naaman? This blessing is right in front of him!” But how often is the answer, the solution to our healing right in front of us and we choose to refuse. I remember when I weighed 285 pounds. My blood pressure was high and I had ‘sleep apnea’. The doctor’s even said I was boarder line diabetic. I was told, what not to eat, what not to drink as well as what would benefit me as far as nutrition. Just like Naaman’s situation, the answers were right in front of me. I knew! I had the knowledge but what was I willing to do? Did I listen? My flesh was strong and I couldn’t give up the foods that were bad for me. I mean when I had a choice between a nice salad versus pork chops in gravy with onions and mushrooms, I couldn’t do the right thing where my health was concerned. I was shortening my life span. I knew what to do, but my wiliness to do it was weak. In 2 Kings we find that Naaman began to walk away angry until one of his officers stopped him and said, “If you were given instructions to do a ‘great thing’, you would have done it. How much more should you do it when he tells you, ‘Wash and be clean’? ~2 Kings 5:13 Naaman does it and becomes healed. He understood, and became willing to do what needed to be done. You see, ‘Your blessing is in the middle of what you are willing to do!’ As you read, meditate and live in God’s Word. Be mindful of His instruction and feed your spirit so that you are willing to do what God has instructed you to do. When you know WHAT TO DO, what are you WILLING TO DO? You have the power to change your life! May God continue to bless you with His strength and wisdom on your journey. Peace and Blessings, -Billy Like this Devotional? Sign up below for our weekly devotional and as a THANK YOU, we will send you our FREE eBook 14 Days of Powerful Prayers for your Marriage. CLICK HERE to sign up! |
Authors Billy & YolandaThis is the place where we share our heart through God's Word in faith that will inspire and empower you to live in peace. Archives
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