Matthew 18:32-33 “…I forgave you all that debt because you begged me. Shouldn’t you also have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?” ~CSB This story in Matthew is about an unforgiving servant. This servant went to his master owing him a lot of money he could not pay. Since he could not pay, verse 25 says, “…his master commanded that he, his wife, his children, and everything he had be sold to pay his debt.” ~CSB Imagine that! What a devastating situation for anyone, to be sold and separated from your family because of a debt you owe. The Word says that the servant fell facedown and begged his master not to do it. He asked for his master to be patient and he would pay everything he owed. The scripture says, “The master of that servant released him, and forgave him the loan.” ~CSB The story goes on to speak about how this same servant encountered a servant of his own that owed ‘him’ a debt. But he was not willing to pass on the blessing that was afforded to him. Instead, he threw his servant in prison. How many of us live this way? I mean really think about this. We may have been in a situation where our rent or mortgage was due. And because of our prayers, God made a way out of no way. But when one of our children ask for help, or a close friend is in need, we say, “I ain’t got it”. Or we may have been delivered from an addition of substance abuse by the grace of God, but we do not devote our time, (which is a form of tithe), to minister about our story to others who are under the grip of addition. We are comfortable with being given a second chance from a blessing in the miracles of God, but we are slow to pass it on to others. Why do you think God delivers you from impossible situations? It isn’t just for you to hold onto. It is for you to let other know that He exists. Not just for you, but for others as well. Jesus says in John 13:34, “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another.” ~CSB “…just as I have loved you…” This is the key to how we live in Christ. We were forgiven; we were given a second chance; we did not deserve any grace. But the One who is without sin, paid our debt for us. And since our debt was paid to the Father, by the Son, we should waive all debt that is owed to us by others. The servant in the story, chose not to forgive a debt owed to him by his own servant, forgetting that he had been forgiven for his and this cost him. His master heard of this and because of his actions and because his master was angry, verse 34 of Matthew says, “His master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured until he could pay everything he was owed.” ~CSB Let us not lose the grace of forgiveness by not forgiving others. If we do, the Word says in verse 35, “So also my heavenly Father will do to you unless every one of you forgives his brother or sister from your heart.” Remember the key phrase, “…Love one another…just as I have loved you…” Jesus paid for us. It is our duty to show others this 'receipt', in our action towards others. May the Lord continue to cover you in His peace as you endure the trials of this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen
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